Compact, Functional & Stylish. Currently in use in a number of hospitals around Australia. Electric- height adjustable work platform. Large work platform with lip to cater for all computer types. Fold out side shelves with slide out panels for extra woking space. Large wheel base & castors for stability & manoeuvrability. Deep storage basket. Conforms with Electromagnetic Compatible Standards as required under the Radiocommunications Act. PLUG PACK CHARGER - Model Numbers, CH08AU240, CH0800240, CH0800220. Title - Industrial, scientific & medical Equipment. Number - IEC CISPR11, Issued - 1992, (AS/NZS2064 Issued - 1997, (EN55011). ACUATORS, CONTROLS & CONTROL BOXES - Title - Industrial, scientific & medical Equipment. Number - AS/NZS2064, Issued - 1997, IEC CISPR11, Issued - 1996, EN55011 Group 1 Class B requirements
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